Apple 'ataca' empresa por ter logotipo de uma pêra

A empresa acusa a Prepear de “prejudicar a sua marca”.

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Tech Apple 10/08/20 POR Notícias Ao Minuto Brasil

A Apple está tomando medidas legais para obrigar uma empresa a mudar o respectivo logotipo, considerando-o demasiado parecido ao seu. Enquanto a Apple tem uma maçã como símbolo, a empresa em questão, a Prepear, usa uma pêra.


O caso foi denunciado na página de Instagram da Prepear, onde a empresa refere que a Apple decidiu se colocar contra o uso do logotipo por alegadamente “prejudicar a sua marca”. Detalhe: a Prepear tem uma equipe de apenas cinco pessoas.

“A maioria dos pequenos negócios não consegue suportar os custos de lutar contra a Apple”, pode se ler na petição no para convencer a Apple a abandonar o processo. “É uma experiência aterradora ser atacado por uma das maiores empresas do mundo, mesmo quando claramente não fizemos nada de errado e percebemos que a maioria das empresas apenas cederia e mudaria os seus logotipos”.

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Dear Instagram Friends- I NEED YOUR HELP! I know there are a lot of heavy things going on in the world right now, and this is nothing in comparison, but I need your help in a situation that is affecting me, my family, and my coworkers. Please help! Many of you know that I started a business called Prepear almost 5 years ago. It is an app that you can store all your recipes in one place, plan your meals, make grocery lists, and get your groceries delivered all in one place. Recently @apple yes, The trillion dollar Apple, has decided to oppose and go after our small business’ trademark saying our pear logo is too close to their apple logo and supposedly hurts their brand? This is a big blow to us at Prepear. To fight this it will cost tens of thousands of dollars. The CRAZY thing is that Apple has done this to dozens of other other small business fruit logo companies, and many have chosen to abandon their logo, or close doors. While the rest of the world is going out of their way to help small businesses during this pandemic, Apple has chosen to go after our small business. I’m not trying to get anyone to stop using or buying Apple products. I feel a moral obligation to take a stand against Apple's aggressive legal action against small businesses and fight for the right to keep our logo. We are defending ourselves against Apple not only to keep our logo, but to send a message to big tech companies that bullying small businesses has consequences. HOW YOU CAN HELP: 1 Sign the petition (link in my bio or in my stories) 2 Share that same link on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. #savethepearfromapple

A post shared by Healthy Kids Recipes•Routines (@superhealthykids) on Aug 7, 2020 at 12:56pm PDT



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